Congressman Culberson’s Statement on the Passage of the Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act
House Republicans have taken another step to protect the American labor force. The passage of the Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act will shield the cement industry from one of many onerous government regulations the Obama Administration has proposed.
Unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have created another burdensome rule that will hinder private sector job growth. The EPA’s Cement MACT rule would apply a national emissions standard that is currently unattainable because the technology does not exist. Not one cement factory in the United States can reach this impossibly high standard. If this rule is implemented, approximately 20 plants will inevitably close their doors, up to 1,500 American jobs will be eliminated, and the industry will be forced to send more jobs overseas. Furthermore, the rule alone will cost $2.2 billion to implement, an expense our country simply cannot afford during these dire economic times.
Wiping out the cement industry is counterproductive, and this legislation attempts to prevent damaging over regulation to get America back on track. If we return to our constitutional ideals and cut taxes, reduce spending, and stop over regulation, we will unleash American entrepreneurship to create jobs and spur economic growth.