Congressman Poe Introduces The Keystone For A Secure Tomorrow Act (K-Fast)
Tuesday I introduced H.R. 3811, the Keystone for A Secure Tomorrow Act (K-FAST). This legislation would allow Congress to directly and immediately approve the permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline. Congress already has the authority to act. According to CRS, “congressional action related to permitting of pipeline border crossings is a legitimate exercise of Congress's authority to regulate foreign commerce.” In fact, in 1973, Congress took similar action and passed the Trans-Alaska Pipeline Authorization Act in order to build the Trans-Alaska Pipeline.
The Administration believes that the Keystone Pipeline does not serve the national interest. This is wrong. Approval of the Keystone Pipeline is not only in our national interest, it is a matter of national security. Energy and jobs are two things that Americans need to survive. The Keystone Pipeline would provide both, free of cost to the American taxpayers. Blocking this pipeline is putting our energy security and our economic security at risk. At a time when the cost of energy is high and 14 million Americans are unemployed, the country cannot wait any longer.
Instead of saying yes and providing much needed relief to the people, the Administration turned its back on Americans and just said no to the Keystone XL Pipeline. It is the moral obligation and legal authority of Congress to say yes. Congress cannot sit idly by and watch Americans suffer as a result of this reckless decision motivated by politics. It’s time to create jobs, bring energy to the United States and make Middle Eastern politics irrelevant to our national security.
Congressman Poe introduced this bill with Democratic Congressman Dan Boren (OK-2). Cosponsors include Reps. Pete Sessions (TX-32), Charles Boustany (LA-7), Pete Olson (TX-22), Bob Goodlatte (VA-6), John Culberson (TX-7), Blake Farenthold (TX-27), Steve Scalise (LA-1), and Kenny Marchant (TX-24)./p>