Conservative and Liberal Reactions to Randy Neugebauer's "Baby Killer" Remark

The Following message was sent in by a TexasGOPVote reader:

I just read your post "Randy Neugebauer Yells 'Baby Killer.'" I've been following the uproar across the Internet over Neugebauer's comments, and came across your blog. I wondered why you didn't have more on this story, as it doesn't seem to be going away. I thought you might enjoy this short video: below)
The video contains the "outburst," the news elements of the story, Stupak's reaction, and media reaction from FOX News, MSNBC, Politics Daily and others. It's interesting to compare how the major media outlets are covering this story, and to see the different reaction that the outburst is causing. videos combine and analyze news coverage from multiple sources across media to give users comprehensive updates about global events. Our videos highlight bias, and explore new perspectives to make users smarter, faster.


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