CPAC 2011 - Lt Col Allen West Closes CPAC with Rousing Speech

The Right Scoop said, "Ironically I was just looking at the CPAC schedule this morning thinking to myself that Allen West is probably the best choice for the CPAC keynote. He has such passion for America and articulates it better than most, and to me he is the embodiment of what’s best about America" and I couldn't agree more.

Following are my notes about his keynote speech today closing CPAC 2011:

Retired Army Lt. Colonel and now Member of Congress, Allen West introduced Army Sgt. Jason Aubin who trains the soldiers who guard the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. He spoke briefly about how he is more afraid for our country now than when he served in Baghdad. He then saluted Colonel West and left the stage.

November reminded Washington that this is a nation that is governed by the consent of those who are governed.

In spite of character assassination, you stood by your principles.

Character assassination is still rampant but if you stand by principles you can win.

West has been declared one of the most vulnerable members of Congress.

How do we stand against such a vile attack from the left. Faith is what will carry us through.  Even more important than faith is an oath. An oath to Defend the Constitution.

Conservativism will lead America to a new dawn. Jefferson said, Most bad government results from too much government.

We must end making more people dependent on government.

Excessive taxation and regulation must end.  We must end the EPA.

We must eliminate the 1600 additional IRS agents that the American people do not want.

If government gets out of the way of the private sector, 2008 meltdown would not have happened.

Free enterprise promotes ingenuity.

Now is the time to reform the tax code and reduce the top rate to 20%, eliminate the capital gains tax.  Now is the time to eliminate redundant federal programs. We must make the hard decisions.

Stick to the Constitutional role of federal government.  Examine every agency for elimination if unconstitutional.

Peace begins with courageous leaders.  Political correctness has no place in our national security strategy.

Retired Army Lt. Colonel and now U.S. Representative Allen West (at podium) and Army Sgt. Jason Arbor (next to West)

We should watch the changes in Egypt with the watchful rememberance of the Iran Revolution.

We cannot give constitutional rights to terrorists while we imprision soldiers for killing terrorists.

Secure our borders and enforce our laws.  Recognize the threats around the world. Stop the terrorists who cross our borders freely.

Never surrender our nuclear deterent capability.

China is a communist country that is using capitalism against us.

"I shall never let Israel down."

Never abandon our values.  Without this critical third pillar we are incomplete as an American society.  We must honor our language as the common bond that makes us all American.  Never allow multiculturism to grow on steroids in American political correctness.

We must respect and honor the unborn.

What kind of person would support legislation that says a person who survives an abortion should be allowed to live.

We must hold sacred the institution of marriage as between a man and a woman.

Do not ever forget the bond of the family in this great nation.

We must not ever separate religion from the individual.  Remember In God we Trust.

When tolerance becomes a one way street, it leads to social suicide.

Told an inspiring story about his childhood and life leading him to real conservative values.  Called on all to stand by the values of this nation and move forward.


For more about Allen West, see video in the post:  "The Reality of the Religion of Peace - Col Allen West - Geert Wilders"




His speech made me a believer and a complete supporter.  This is a man that you would want to know and follow.  It is rare that a politician says everything I agree to, well it happened today.  If he ran for president I would be his ardent promoter and committed to seeing him in the WH.  Truely a man you can trust and believe in, to do as he says and committed to America.  We will hear much more from him in the future.

Make sure to check out the comments on Facebook.

I have to say that West is certainly a brave soldier.

For him to show up in uniform at a political gathering and risk violation of of the UCMJ section 670-1 for himself and the soldier who introduced him, well that takes either some bravery or a deliberate disregard of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
I sure hope the US Army doesn't come down too hard on either of them now that this is making the news.

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