Democrat Rep. Hank Johnson Worries Loading U.S. Marines onto Guam Could Capsize the Island

At the House Armed Services Committee hearing last Friday, Democrat Representative Hank Johnson (GA-4) was questioning Admiral Robert Willard, head of the U.S. Pacific fleet, about the stationing of 8,000 additional U.S. Marines and their families on the western Pacific island of Guam, a 212-square-mile American territory that is 30 miles long and from 4 to 12 miles wide.

Johnson legitimately fears that "the island will become so overpopulated that it will tip over and capsize." Seriously?! (Watch the admirals face as he tries not to laugh...) How did this guy get elected to office?! How did this guy make it though law school?! Some great representation the 4th District of Georgia has...



And Representative Hank Johnson (D-GA) (4th Congressional District) is a Congressman????? We're In Trouble!!!!! Admiral  Robert Willard should be given an Oscar for NOT laughing in the Congressman's Face. I bet that after the Hearing that the Admiral was shaking his head & saying, "We have to testify in front of these morons?" And remember Boys & Girls, these are the same idiots that Voted for giving You Health Care!!!!!

These are the kind of folks populating the corridors of our government?  Good God!  We're doomed I tell ya... doomed as doomed can be!  I'd like to take a look at the Americans who voted for this mental wonder because I'm betting they're just as 'enlightened' as he.  We're doomed...

Rep. Hank Johnson has a misunderstanding of a boat and and Island. Misunderstanding something as elementary as this can only lead one to question what else is he not clear on?  Is he confused on the Health Care Bill and what the effects of it are?  Could it be that he thinks raising taxes is really lowering them?  OK OK so he lives in "opposite world"?  I can only hope that opposite world votes him out in November. Take a look at this shirt I came across.....

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