Dems censor Congress. Republicans not allowed to speak out on health care

Democrats have already attacked Rep. Brady's (R-TX) healthcare reform chart, threatening to use House rules to prohibit its dissemination. Now the Democrats are at it again, censoring Rep. John Carter's (R-TX) messages to constituents.

Connie Hair reports in a Human Events article that Democrats on the Franking Commission are no longer allowing Republicans to use the phrase "government run health care" in the communications to their constituents. The Franking Commission told Rep. John Carter:

You cannot use that language. You must use, 'The House majority unveiled a public option health care plan,’ or 'just last week the House majority unveiled a health care plan which I believe will cost taxpayers…'

to which Carter responded:

I would submit to you this is a free speech issue, guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States.

Will Republicans now be forced to only use this "Democrat-approved" language on official communications to constituents? Do we no longer live in the land of the free? What has our country come to?


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