Cornyn on the President’s Call for Hundreds of Billions in New Taxes, Spending: “Enough is Enough”
Sadly, the President has doubled down on the same agenda, which in his own words was on the ballot this last fall and was soundly rejected. But this agenda and these policies are not only wrong for America today, they're certainly wrong for the America of our future.
Future generations deserve a country that provides them more opportunity than our parents had or than we had. That's called the American Dream. But hundreds of billions of dollars in new spending and new taxes when we already face an $18 trillion debt, well, that makes the American promise one unlikely to be fulfilled.
I think I speak for many Americans and many Texans when I say, Mr. President, enough is enough. The American people expect better and, more importantly, they deserve better.
Many policymakers in Washington seem to have forgotten the secret sauce – the formula, the recipe – by which strong, sustainable economic growth that lifts up the middle class in Texas and in so many other states across the country, why that's alive and well and why those policies actually work. In my state, we have reduced taxes, we have cut red tape in favor of sensible regulations and we have encouraged businesses to come to Texas to grow and create jobs.
So we need to roll up our sleeves, and we invite the President to join us and to take on the priorities of hardworking American taxpayers in every state across the country.
What matters is whether the teacher in Katy, Texas, believes his students will have the opportunities he did growing up or whether the single mom waiting tables in Fort Worth can find enough work to feed her family.
Our nation is truly strong when its people believe it to be, and I hope the President understands that and tries something new rather than the same old failed policies of the past.