Introducing Resolution to Restore the Voice of the People Against Partisan Law Suit for Trump’s Tax Returns

Tuesday, I introduced a resolution in response to House Democrats’ partisan law suit to compel President Trump to turn over his tax returns:

We will not stand idly by as House Democrat Leadership seeks to undermine our democratic process by replacing the voice of the People with the voice of the few in Washington, D.C.

This resolution preserves the integrity of the House by ensuring that each Member of Congress – not just a chosen few – has an opportunity to vote to authorize initiation of a lawsuit.

From the start, the political fishing expedition to expose the President’s private tax information has been a partisan power grab – it is unprecedented, weaponizes our tax code, serves no legislative purposes, and puts every single taxpayer at risk of having their private tax information exposed.

CLICK HERE to read the resolution.

Background: The Committee on Ways and Means never voted to authorize any legal action regarding President Trump’s private tax returns. H. Res. 430, which passed the House in June on a party-line vote, authorized Speaker Nancy Pelosi, through the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group (BLAG), to subvert the Chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means and initiate a lawsuit without approval of the Committee or the whole House. The BLAG is a Democrat-controlled group comprised of House Leadership led by the Speaker of the House.


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