Keeping the Promise: Trump Releases Tax Plan

Brady Applauds Trump Tax Plan

Historic, bold tax reform is what Texans have waited years for and Wednesday they have a White House, the House and the Senate all moving in the same direction. Following the Trump Administration's tax reform announcement, I joined House Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch in releasing the following joint statement: 

The principles outlined by the Trump Administration today will serve as critical guideposts for Congress and the Administration as we work together to overhaul the American tax system and ensure middle-class families and job creators are better positioned for the 21st century economy. Lower rates for individuals and families will allow them to keep more of their hard-earned money and empower them to invest more in their future. Getting tax rates down for American companies, big and small, will create new jobs and make the United States a more inviting place to do business. With an eye toward fairness and simplicity, we’re confident we can rebuild our tax code in a way that will grow our economy, better promote savings and investment, provide our job creators with a competitive advantage, and bring prosperity to all Americans.

WATCH: Congressman Brady discuss Tax Reform on Fox Business HERE


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