Let's Put Our Veterans Back to Work
Last week, I introduced H.R. 1803 the Veterans Back to Work Act of 2015. This legislation would make the veterans tax credit permanent and make it easier for employers to take advantage of it.
There are nearly 600,000 veterans in this country who are unemployed. That is simply unacceptable. Congress previously passed a veterans tax credit to help transition our nation’s warriors back into the workforce. While well intentioned, it was temporary, had complicated paperwork and took too long for employers to receive the tax credit.
The Veterans Back to Work Act seeks to fix these complications by making the tax credit permanent, reducing the paperwork, and allowing employers to have the choice to collect the credit at the end of each quarter or at the end of the year, whatever makes the most sense for them.
Our nation’s warriors have given everything and risked their lives serving and protecting the rest of us. It is our duty to help them transition back into the American work force when they return,” said Poe. “After fighting in war, the last thing a veteran should have to worry about is an unemployment line. This Veterans Back to Work Act incentivizes the hiring of our veterans with a permanent tax credit and makes the paperwork easier for businesses to do so.