More Red Tape
In 2012, the owners of a Port Lavaca business filed their taxes in the same manner they always had. Expecting a refund that would help them keep their business going, they were surprised when the refund was held and an audit was performed on their small business in 2014. Despite having found no errors whatsoever on their taxes, the IRS held their refund forcing the owners to exhaust nearly all of their personal savings to keep the business running while they waited for the refund.
On September 1 of this year, they asked my office to look into the matter. As a former small business owner myself, I know how hard it is to keep a business afloat. I can only imagine how difficult it must be while dealing with an overzealous bureaucratic agency. By October, my office was able to assist in getting the case expedited and the company has now received the refund.
While I continue to work for a smaller and more efficient federal government so businesses can grow and prosper, my staff and I will also continue to help when folks have a problem with the federal government. If you are having trouble cutting through bureaucratic red tape, give my red tape cutters in Corpus Christi or Victoria a call so we can help you.