Norman Adams Discusses Unconstitutional Executive Orders on The Amigos Show

It was a pleasure to join The Amigos on KSEV 700 AM last Friday evening to discuss my lawsuit challenging Governor Abbott’s unconstitutional executive shutdown. I hope the Texas Supreme Court will act as swiftly as it did with the Shelley Luther case in Dallas to put an end to this nonsense. These orders have blatantly infringed on our constitutional rights to do business, travel, gather, and worship freely. The damage from Governor Abbott’s orders is already done and will take months if not years to heal.

My lawsuit is about the future! We need to stop this type of executive overreach in the NOW or it will go on to set precedent for our state and local leaders in the future!

Here is a recording of our discussion on KSEV 700.

Click here for a recording of our discussion on KSEV 700.

God bless America.


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