A Plan for the New Majority
I’m excited at the prospects for the next two years. The recent election has brought about a historic change in Washington, increasing our Republican majority in the House and creating a new Republican majority in the Senate. With these majorities we’ll be able to place legislation on the President’s desk which will put American’s back to work, increase energy production, take care of our veterans, end Obamacare, and secure our border.
My priorities include:
- Secure the border. In the 1980’s we were promised that in exchange for amnesty the border would be secured. It still is not secure... Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
- Grow the economy by reducing government regulation and repealing job killing laws like Obamacare. Under Obamacare, healthcare costs continue to rise. What the President’s signature law did was make it harder for Americans to receive quality healthcare and made it harder for employers to create new jobs through over burdensome regulations and taxes. I remain committed to repealing Obamacare and replacing it with common sense legislation that tackles the increasing costs of health care and improves the quality and access for everyone.
- Balance the Federal budget so we can stop mortgaging our children and grandchildren’s future. Every American business and household knows they have to balance their budget, its time Washington got that message as well.
- Simplify the Tax code. I support replacing the current tax system with a fair tax (national sales tax). Alternatively, I am in favor of a flat tax where there are only one or two very low tax brackets and few, if any lobbyist loopholes and deductions. At the very least congress must simplify our tax code and remove burdensome regulations that are stifling business. By passing these solutions, I believe that we can bring back many of the jobs we’ve lost overseas and become more competitive in our globalized world.
- Develop our Energy Resources with an all of the above energy plan. The United States has an abundance of energy resources that need to be developed. We should push for greater energy production and support the infrastructure needed to deliver this newly available energy to our households and businesses. Our district is home to vast amounts of natural gas that has a great potential to create jobs and lower energy costs as well as help our allies in the world who are dependent on other nations seeking to control them through energy manipulation. I co-sponsored H.R. 6, the Domestic Prosperity and Global Freedom Act which aims to expedite the approval of liquefied natural gas export applications that passed the house and lies waiting for action in the Senate. By allowing for more domestic energy production we can become energy independent and bring thousands of jobs to our area. The creation of the Keystone Pipeline is a perfect example of this. The Keystone XL Pipeline alone could bring over 40,000 new jobs and add around $2 billion in earnings to our economy On Friday I voted, “Yea” for H.R. 5682 to approve the keystone pipeline. The bill passed 252 to 161 with 31 democrats voting for approval. This bill is also now on Harry Reid’s desk awaiting Senate action.
- Keep the promises made to our veterans. I am confident our new Majority in both chambers of Congress will work together to completely overhaul and reform the Veterans Affairs Administration. The wait-times and mistreatment of our Veterans is completely unacceptable, and our veterans deserve the benefits they were promised.
I am eager to get to work accomplishing the things you elected me to do.
I am honored to be chosen by you to represent you in Washington. The New Year will bring many great opportunities, and I will continue to work hard to meet your needs.
Thank you for your support and encouragement and please keep my family and me in your prayers.
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