Property Tax Shock

In the growing cities of Texas, Austin, Dallas-Fort Worth, San Antonio and metro Houston, appraisals have exploded with an average increase of 30%.

An increase in appraised value equals significantly higher property taxes unless an automatic rollback occurs which then forces the public officials to vote to raise your taxes! With figures ranging from up to 50% in Austin, 25% in San Antonio and between 15 and 30% in Houston, taxpayers are about to be blasted.

Thank goodness Senator Paul Bettencourt's property tax reform bill passed in the last legislative session with the support of Governor Abbott and Lt. Governor Patrick. It will, if the Constitutional Amendment passes, increase the homestead exemption and slow property tax growth and we need to do more.

Does Texas need a California Prop 13 limitation on home values? Do we need a broader and lower sales tax? Are we giving out too many exemptions on property taxes to big business and weekend farmers?

One thought, we have many brilliant free market thinkers in Texas, maybe we should study if we are creating a fiscally conservative Texas, what Texas system would encourage business and employment, and raise the necessary revenue for our government's core duties.


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