Secretary Pompeo Addresses Chinese Threats
Last week, Secretary Pompeo gave a speech at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library outlining the Trump Administration’s policy toward China, and the efforts to contain and defeat their malicious influence on the United States and the rest of the world. The speech pointedly asked what benefit our engagement with China has brought us since President Nixon’s visit nearly 50 years ago.
America has become much too dependent on China for many products vital to our military, our medications, and our economy. We need to bring important manufacturing back to the United States. Too many good American jobs have been lost to Chinese businesses that do not follow the rules and who compete unfairly. The world needs to hold China accountable for the economic and social destruction caused by their actions. Their cover-up about COVID-19 is responsible for nearly 700,000 deaths and trillions of dollars in worldwide economic destruction.
Secretary Pompeo also noted that the United States has done everything in our power to welcome China into the international community, yet they have only responded with hostility and malice. They have embedded spies in our schools, our research institutions, our businesses, and our governments. They have intimidated weak-kneed American companies into silence over the human rights abuses committed by the Chinese Communist Party against humanity on a scale not seen since the Nazi Holocaust. They have stolen our intellectual property and cost Americans millions of jobs, while relying on slave labor to manufacture cheap goods. The American people need to hold those companies accountable for ignoring the Chinese threats to humanity and to our economy.