Texas Migrants - Where Are They Coming From?
Are people migrating to Texas? Yes. Are they coming here by the thousands? Yes. Are they coming from Mexico? No, they’re coming from all over the U.S. at a rate of about 1000/day — from California! For the first time in California’s recent history, more people are leaving that state than coming into it. Fortunately for us, they are primarily working people!
The following table shows U-Haul’s costs of renting trailers and trucks to move out of the state to our far Left and into others to the east. Note that the most expensive place to rent a vehicle or trailer is from San Jose, California — which is referred to as the ‘Silicon Valley’. You have to ask yourself why someone who is making well over $100K per year would want to move to Texas.? Or Atlanta, Georgia? The answer is simple — freedom and protection from radical progressive leadership.
The ratio in this table demonstrates the number of people renting a trailer or truck moving into California vs. out of that state.
An interesting statistic is that there are now more Asians moving to Texas than Mexicans! But then if you ever worked in San Jose, that wouldn’t be hard to believe.
Let’s just hope that these are the people who have ‘right thinking’ brains and who don’t want to turn Texas into another California. However, it is interesting that Austin seems to be the primary target for these migrants. If they’re conservatives, they’ve got a shock in store for them moving to Austin..?