Local Tidbits And Outrages
Dateline Houston - Did you hear the City of Houston had two major screwups during the freeze. First, the generators at the water plants failed. So you can't blame that on ERCOT. In addition, the City of Houston just got billed for its street lights during the freeze under its variable rate plan. Over $2 million when it normally runs $100,000 a week or so. Mayor Sylvester Turner, instead of blaming everyone else just needs to accept responsibility for the screwups or is it incompetence?
Dateline HISD - Say it isn't so. After essentially letting our school kids receive a grossly inadequate virtual education for over a year, the people who run HISD want to continue their dismal efforts into the next semester. Giving students a virtual option, which is a proven failure all over the country, is just stupid. That is, unless your goal is to continue to not educate underserved populations. Here's a suggestion for the Texas Legislature: Cut off funding for all virtual students.