Rep. Van Duyne Recognizes HEB ISD Students
I recognized 33 students of the Hurst Euless Bedford Independent School District for receiving the District's Awards of Excellence. I submitted the following to the Congressional Record:
Madam Speaker, I rise today to congratulate thirty-three students from the Hurst Euless Bedford Independent School District. These incredible students have been selected to receive the District's Awards of Excellence for the 2021-2022 school year.
Through their talent, hard work, and unmatched dedication, this year's group of recipients earned awards in a variety of fields that include visual and performing arts, business and industry, science, mathematics, and communications, among others.
In addition to recognizing the students, I would be remiss if I did not thank their mentors who ensured they remained diligent and focused in their efforts. It is a privilege to recognize the teachers from L.D. Bell High School, Buinger CTE Academy, KEYS High School, and Trinity High School for their vital role as educators.