Election 2010 Senators

I am driving from Los Angeles to Las Vegas today for the big Tea Party rally.

(I have gone to Vegas for parties before, but this one will end before 5am and will involve less debauchery.)

I will also be at the rallies in Barstow and Los Angeles, and possibly even San Diego and Yuma, Arizona.

As Election 2010 kicks into mega-overdrive, it would be helpful if this political blog actually covered the election. I did not want to be in a state of perpetual campaigning like the president, but in the last couple week, campaigning is understandable.

Today I will focus on the U.S. Senate.

While I want every single Republican to win, there are a few races that are the most important to me. In some cases their is an emotional investment due to a personal connection. In other cases it is ideological. In some cases there are intangible factors.

Republicans are poised for victories, but if we get full of ourselves we could still screw it up. Complacency cannot happen. Except for Jim Demint in South Carolina, nobody is safe.

Here are the races I care the most about in no particular order, and people we must support.

Sharron Angle, Nevada: Harry Reid must go. I have met the man personally, and he was gracious to me. His staff was ultra-professional in dealing with me. I wish the person I saw would have been how he treats others. He is just too mean-spirited.

Also, Nevada leads the nation in bankruptcies and unemployment. It happened on his watch.

(Democrats only like that phrase when applying it to Republican Presidents.)

Harry Reid could not even remember his closing remarks in his last debate. Normally that would be meaningless, but given the cruel way he mocked Sarah Palin for writing notes on her hand, he deserves the same treatment. He is a bully, and it is time for the bully to leave.

I have done a couple of events with Sharron Angle. She is a lovely human being. For those who do not share her views on social issues, so what? This election is about economics. Those who attack her inexperience seem to give a free pass to Barack Obama.

Sharron Angle will return dignity and decorum to the Senate.

Mark Kirk, Illinois: Mark Kirk is a good man. I have met him personally. I do not even care who his opponent is. It does not matter. He has made some mistakes on the campaign trail, but his record is spectacular. He is an expert on defense systems, and one of the best friends Israel has. I was not happy with his cap and trade vote, but it did not become law, so no harm, no foul. He is very moderate, but he is as good as it gets on foreign policy and security.

Carly Fiorina, California: I did not support Carly in the primary. I backed Chuck DeVore. Like a good soldier, I immediately fell in line. I have been very critical of Carly, but she has one major thing in her favor. She is not Barbara Boxer.

Barbara Boxer is a scourge. She is the worst combination of politician, and an equally detestable human being. I have met her, and she is as awful as she comes across. Ask Boxer supporters why Dianne Feinstein votes exactly the same way as Barbara Boxer, yet Feinstein receives none of the hostility. Feinstein coasts to victory while Boxer struggles. Boxer is a prime example of an ideological bigot. She claims to be for women, but has no problems attacking Republican women or defending liberal misogynists in the most vile manner.

Continue reading here. 



Eric Golub is the author of The Tygrrrr Express. His books, Ideological Bigotry, Ideological Violence, and Ideological Idiocy are available now.



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