Congressman Poe Speaks at North American Gas Forum

Earlier this week, I joined the North American Gas Forum’s Legislative Panel to discuss energy opportunities in the United States. The panel was made up of members of Congress and energy industry experts.

Where I come from, energy is a way of life. I represent part of Houston, Texas—the energy capital of the world. 50 % of the City of Houston’s revenues come from exports, and when it comes to domestic energy resources, I believe we should use what we can and export the rest. However, the energy industry is just another entity tied up in Washington’s red tape. Permits for companies that wish to export natural gas are stuck in the Department of Energy’s stagnant approval process.

We should not let natural energy resources lay idle. I have introduced legislation to expedite the approval process and a similar bill passed the House. The government needs to get out of way. Harnessing our domestic energy resources and exporting some of it to our friends and allies around the world makes sense for our economy and national security.


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