EPA Administrator Dr. Nance Tours the Permian Basin

The EPA has threatened to redesignate the Permian Basin as a nonattainment area for ozone—a move that would severely hamper oil and gas production in the region. 

In an effort to showcase the good work happening in the Permian Basin, I hosted Dr. Earthea Nance, Region 6 Administrator at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), for an oil and gas site visit and producer roundtable. I was joined by State Representative Brooks Landgraf, State Senator Kevin Sparks, and the Mayor of Midland Lori Blong—along with numerous energy producers and stakeholders from the Permian Basin. 

It was critical for Dr. Nance to visit the region and hear from industry and community leaders who would be gravely impacted by a redesignation. 

Our energy producers continue to reduce emissions while increasing production to fuel our country and decrease our allies' reliance on energy from foreign adversaries. The redesignation of an ozone nonattainment area would harm our economy, stifle innovation, and steal the livelihoods of the hardworking men and women of our community. 

The visit was a crucial step in letting the world know the Permian Basin fuels the world.


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