Snowflakes State DEMANDS at the United Nations

Certain young Americans severely infected with political correctness, called Snowflakes, are in Bonn, Germany, for the United Nations Climate Change meeting to make DEMANDS. They call themselves the “U.S. People’s Delegation,” and arrogantly boast that they will hold businesses and people accountable to their demands and even “show what climate leadership should look like.”

The Snowflakes are funded by environmental extremist organizations including, SustainUS, Sunrise Movement, Indigenous Environmental Network, Global Grassroots Justice Alliance, and the Climate Justice Alliance as part of It Takes Roots, U.S Human Rights Network, Climate Generation, Our Children’s Trust, NextGen America, and Their cause celebre is President Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement believing their rhetoric will “isolate the Administration” by “demanding a fossil free future and real climate action on the local level.” 

As if taught by Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, the Snowflakes first demand is for “a just and equitable transition to 100% renewable energy in all cities and states.” Their utopia is to force American taxpayers to pay for wind and solar energy for the rest of the world, as if those nations could enjoy a decent standard of living under corrupt governments with undependable energy sources. They even believe that solar/wind energy can build a solar/wind-powered jet that can fly them across the Atlantic so that they can collectively enjoy childish tantrums on a global stage.

They also demand that, “U.S. elected officials step up in meaningful ways to ensure bold climate action in the face of the current Administration’s rollback on climate protections, the persistence of ongoing climate disasters, and the impact of existing inequalities and governmental negligence on frontline and vulnerable communities.” They defiantly prefer Marxist ideals to free market capitalism.

The Snowflakes have a palpable hatred for fossil fuels calling for: “A halt to all new fossil fuel projects, with the understanding that the fossil fuel industry continues to perpetuate the climate crisis and sow climate denial, creating a bleak future for generations to come.” But hatred has never motivated a person to invent a single product and certainly not a dependable energy source to make it useful.

Their demand that all nations increase funding to the UN’s many funding mechanisms is a call to increase the UN’s own largess, as well as to increase its power to collect taxes and redistribute wealth around the globe. If that happens, then the UN becomes a global government.

Snowflakes' dislike of free market capitalism goes hand in hand with their faith in man-caused climate change: “The commitments countries put forward under the Paris Agreement were already too little, too late and would lead to at least 3.5 degrees of warming, not the 1.5° and 2° goals enshrined in the agreement. We can't let the U.S. be an excuse for other countries to dial back their action -- especially since with cities and states doubling down, the U.S. could be moving forward.” They refuse to understand that this demand would rob them of their standard of living. 

Every Snowflake demand is a call for “sustainable development,” which is the green agenda in a nutshell. It is a demand for absolute equity/justice in three areas: social, environmental and economic. It is green on the outside and Marxist red on the inside. Americans can hope and pray that the Snowflakes will grow to understand the havoc that their demands would certainly wreak on every citizen around the globe.


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