Exclusive Interview with Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott - ObamaCare is Unconstitutional

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott took a few minutes out of the national TV news schedule today to talk to the people of Texas in an exclusive interview with TexasGOPVote.com. In what started out to be a short five minute interview, we expanded the information for you to cover several viewpoints of this week's federal court ruling that ObamaCare is unconstitutional and no longer the "law of the land".

In this expanded interview we covered this case versus the other court cases on this topic and why this case is very important. We talked about other states efforts to "nullify" the overreaching federal action and the impact this had in preparing the lawsuits.  We also talked about actions currently underway in the Texas Legislature and where that should proceed.  And finally, we discussed Sen. Patrick Leahy's (D-VT) laughable idea that somehow the US Senate should determine what is Constitutional.

Here is a list of all of the states that have filed suit against the federal government relating to the ObamaCare bill.

Here is the interview with General Abbott in its entirity for your review and comments:

I would like to thank the Attorney General of Texas for his tireless efforts to defend the US Constitution and the State of Texas from this overreaching federal government. We look forward to speaking with him again about efforts to bring more energy jobs to Texas by reigning in the EPA's job killing regulations. We will have more on this soon.



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