Conservative Blogger David Bellow Retaliated Against with False Arrest/Charges by Democrat DA Office he Exposed

Click Here to read my statement regarding the fabricated misdemeanor charges that are widely being reported about me. More importantly, it is a detailed story of the political corruption that has brought about these false charges. 

In short, Jefferson County is one of the most corrupt places in America. The School District was even taken over by the State. I have been involved in exposing this corruption. Most recently, I blew the whistle on a lead investigator within the Jefferson County DA's office. The State of Texas is currently investigating this DA employee, Marcelo Molfino.

The Democrat leaders in Jefferson County were not happy and retaliated against me by bringing about false charges against me.

Here is my statement to counter this widely publicized story of my arrest, to expose the public corruption within Jefferson County, and to shed light on the issues of violence against men, and even child abuse, getting overlooked, as happened with me and my toddler son.


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