GOP Establishment Throws Conservative Todd Akin Under the Bus for a Misstatement; Mike Huckabee, David Barton, J.C. Watts and Others Come to Akin’s Defense

The rush by the Republican Establishment elites to crucify Missouri Senate candidate Todd Akin for his ill-conceived words on rape and to withhold funds for his crucial campaign against the liberal Pro-Choice Democrat, Claire McCaskill, has astounded and angered me!

This smacks of the Establishment’s abandonment of Senate candidate, Christine O’Donnell, two years ago after she defeated the liberal nine-term U.S. Representative, Michael Castle, in the Delaware Republican Primary.

When the Republican Establishment withdrew support for her candidacy after a stupid comment she made about having ‘dabbled in witchcraft’, that led to the election of her liberal Democrat opponent. Is history doomed to repeat itself? Admittedly, Christine’s was a far worse boo-boo than Todd Akin’s boo-boo. Then the stupid ad that really did Christine in was the one in which she declared, “I am not a witch.” Had she had better advice, she could have turned the criticism around by stating that “If I were a witch, I would put a hex on all the Democrat policies leading to the downfall of America,” but her defeat lost us an important seat in the Senate and unless we correct course the Establishment can lose the Akin seat for us.

When Todd Akin appeared on Huckabee’s radio show, he said, “I haven’t done anything morally or ethically wrong,” and added that he felt the harsh criticisms leveled at him. “seem like a little bit of an overreaction.” (That is putting it mildly!) Akin has issued a sincere public apology. His Primary victory over two other Republicans should indicate that the voters preferred him as the nominee. It is too late now for some other Republican to jump in the race and if one should do so, the split vote would re-elect Claire McCaskill.

In a conference call convened by Don Hinkle, editor of Missouri Baptist Convention’s, “The Pathway”, Huckabee said, “I’ve never seen an effort like what I’ve seen this week with party leaders coming together expressly for the purpose of taking one of their own wounded soldiers on the battlefield—and instead of coming to get him off the field and to the hospital—basically opening up rounds and rounds of fire on him, and then running over him with the tanks or the trucks, leaving him to be ravaged by the wolves on the other side.”

Also speaking during the hour-long call were David Barton of ‘Wallbuilders’; former Oklahoma Rep. J.C. Watts; Baptist Pastor David Baker; Dick Bott, the founder of a Christian radio network; and John Yeats, the Executive Director of the Missouri Baptist Convention. Yeats told the group that “One of the things we have to remind ourselves of and remind our people of is that Congressman Akin represents the mainstream of our values.” Former Congressman, J.C. Watts, said he had been attempting to contact Akin to personally offer his support. Watts said that Akin “has not been a problem, he has been the solution,” to various societal ills that threaten America’s children.

David Barton of ‘Wallbuilders’ was asked by the group to provide some historical context for the situation. Barton connected the alleged persecution of Akin to a whole host of well-known biblical figures.

“One of the greatest leaders in Israel’s history was David, who had (committed adultery, and murdered Uriah, Bathsheba’s husband). But he repented. God gave him forgiveness. Great leader. But that was not a misspeaking of words.” To witness the repudiation of Akin by the Establishment elites, Karl Rove, Senator Cornyn, and even Mitt Romney, one would think Akin had committed a horrible crime! Barton is pointing out that not one of us is perfect and that is why God sent Jesus into the world to save the world and grant forgiveness and eternal life to all who believe on him. But in Akin’s case, abandoning a man who shares our conservative beliefs for making a foolish statement is to risk having a Democrat who shares none of our beliefs re-elected.

Read where Akin stands on the issues:

As a former Board Member of Missouri Right to Life, I have remained steadfast in fighting for life. I actively worked to pass numerous pro-life legislative initiatives at both the state and federal level. Because of these actions, Planned Parenthood has listed me in their “Toxic Ten” worst legislators in the US for daring to stand up for the unborn. Life is a fundamental right granted to us by our Creator and the government’s role is to protect this right. A government that doesn’t protect innocent life fails at one of its most basic roles. I believe that life begins at conception and I’m appalled that we do not protect the innocent lives of our unborn children.

I have repeatedly fought against our tax dollars going to fund abortions. Just in the past two years, I cosponsored the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act (H.R. 3) and the Protect Life Act (H.R. 358) both of which passed the House.

Recently, I discovered a potential loop-hole where abortions might be funded with our tax dollars through multi-state health exchanges. To prevent the indirect funding of abortions, I introduced H.R. 4971 the Stop Abortion Funding in Multi-state Exchange Plans (SAFE) Act. My amendment was added to the FY2013 House Financial Services Appropriations bill.

I also stand against embryonic stem cell research. It is wrong to build science upon the lives of our unborn children. Furthermore, there are other viable options which do not promote abortion: adult stem cells and cord blood stem cells are two of these.

Protecting life is fundamental to freedom.

Akin is a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment Right to Keep and Bear Arms and has voted repeatedly to Repeal Obamacare. Remember when the Establishment supported the unprincipled former Governor of Florida, Charlie Crist, for the U.S. Senate over Marco Rubio? Another bad decision.

Get smart, Conservatives-- Dump the Establishment and Donate to Todd Akin’s Senate campaign.



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