Hurd Attends Escondido Draw Recreational Area Grand Opening in Crockett County
I recently attended the grand opening of the Escondido Draw Recreational Area in Crockett County. This is the largest off-highway vehicle (OHV) project ever by the U.S. Federal Highways Administration and the State of Texas Parks and Wildlife, including over 3480 acres for riding trails and 76 acres for events and camping, and is the product of over 13 years in the making.
As a staunch advocate for our public lands and recreational trails, I was proud to support federal funding for the U.S. Federal Highway Administration that was vital for this project.
With hundreds of miles of marked trails and hills for OHV’s, the Escondido Draw Recreational Area park will allow area residents a way to legally enjoy their motorized vehicles from 4x4’s to motorcycles. I applaud the Texas Motorized Trails Coalition, Texas Parks and Wildlife, the other public and private sponsors and volunteers for their hard work and team effort in putting this together, and I’m glad I could play a small part in making this happen by supporting funding for the Federal Highway Administration’s Recreational Trails Program. I will continue to do all that I can to fight for important projects that improve the lives of South and West Texans.