Obama’s Cairo Speech vs His ‘No Strategy Yet’ Speech
Pres. Obama: 'We Don't Have a Strategy Yet' to Fight ISIS
Obama gave his now infamous Cairo speech on June 4, 2009, and I wrote my thoughts on his ‘New Beginning’ speech on June 9. After listening to Obama give his ‘no strategy yet’ speech of just a few days ago, I thought it time to compare his ‘no strategy yet’ speech with his ‘new beginning’ Cairo speech. In his Cairo speech he outlined how he was going to help the Muslims achieve their goals and how he was going to remake America. He seemed to have his ‘strategy’ all in place and his praise went only to the Muslims and not Americans. He made it very clear that ‘we’ acted out of fear and anger attacking Iraq after 911.
This time I did not think that his ‘no strategy yet’ speech was anywhere near eloquent or focused. That sound he makes when he is struggling to find a word he might like to use is fast becoming a huge impediment to our ability to stay focused on this line of thought. His speech was more of a tail spin out of control. Other than his ‘no strategy yet’ can you remember anything else? What I did not hear were the words, radical, Islamic, jihad, terrorists, almost laughable how he stays away from the real seriousness of the issue with ‘Islamic State in Iraq and Syria’ known as ISIS. ISIS is slaughtering Christians, beheaded an American journalist, killing innocent people and he has ‘no strategy yet’. Did he mean to say, ‘I don’t agree with the Pentagon so in essence there is no strategy I approve of as yet?’ So what exactly will his strategy be in stopping ISIS from endangering more innocent lives in Iraqi and Syria and from entering the United States? And while we understand that ‘secret plans’ can’t be revealed to the world, let’s hope he has a strong plan to take ISIS out.
I have given Obama’s June 4 speech in Cairo some careful thought. I believe this speech represents all the favors he intends to accomplish for the Muslims while minimizing Americans and Christianity! His “New Beginning speech” in his own words means the Remaking of America, the transformation of America into a Muslim Nation. It was a grueling 55 minute teleprompter speech for me. He was eloquent, focused, and full of exaggerated truths with some very real truths, a lot of repetitive words, apologetic for our actions and his agenda for the “WORLD”.
For the many Americans who did not listen to his words during the campaign and who continue to infuse their own meaning as to what Obama means, WAKE UP he is unashamedly telling us what his intentions are in this speech. He made it perfectly clear that he would FIGHT against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear. Obama went to the Middle East to promote his agenda, peace as he sees it. He promised a better life for the Muslims and to level the warring field. According to Obama no one Nation should pick who should have Nuclear Power and yet Iran should have “peaceful” nuclear power. No Nation should have Nuclear Weapons. Proudly proclaiming that we should NOT be the World Leader, in his own words!
Yes, he wants world peace, yes he admonished Al Qaeda for killing 3000 people on 9/11 and then proceeded to say we acted out of fear and anger and the result, War with Iraq, went against our traditions and ideals. He again mentioned the closing of Gitmo and stopping of torture.
He promptly began by addressing his audience in Arabic, bringing a message of peace from American Muslims and good will from the American people. Referring to the Holy Koran that says, “Be conscience of God and speak only the truth”, Obama told the crowd he would tell the truth, “as BEST I can”! He went on to say that Americans elected a black president, named Barack Hussein Obama. Remember when we were NOT supposed to use his middle name Hussein? He also mentioned his Muslim roots, his Muslim father and Muslim family. Did you hear that during the campaign?
Muslim women should be allowed to wear the Hijab and the US government has gone to court to protect their right to wear their garb. This should set women’s rights back into what century? What about the right of the unborn? What about the rights of the Christian to protect the unborn?
He verbalized that in a Democracy individuals should have a say in how they are governed and that the political process should be above the party. Is this happening in America? I think NOT.
Don’t we all want World Peace? In reality things were never the same since Cain and Abel. In a perfect world, our president would take a more positive view of the American people by pointing to our good deeds and not continue to make reference to our anger and fear. He did sound like a preacher or a Miss Universe contestant wanting “World Peace”.
He outlined 7 issues
- Violent Extremists in all forms
- Situation of the Israelis, Palestinians, and the Arab world
- Shared interest in the rights and responsibilities of Nations in Nuclear Weapons
- Religious Freedom
- Woman’s Rights
- Economic Development and Opportunity
What he said in reference to these issues, always being positive referring to Islam:
- Al Qaeda killed 3000 people on 911 and continues to state that they will kill Americans on a massive scale.
- Al Qaeda has killed Muslims and the Holy Koran teaches, “Whoever kills an innocent is as if he has killed all of mankind. Whoever saves a person is as if he has saved all of mankind.
- Violent Extremists – are small but potent minority of Muslims
- America will pay 1.5B for the next 5 years to Pakistan for schools, hospitals, and roads and 2.8B to Afghanistan to build their economy
- Iraq is a war of CHOICE unlike Afghanistan
- We acted out of fear and anger and it provoked an act contrary to our traditions and ideals.
- US Government has gone to court to protect the right of Muslim women to wear the “hijab”
- 6M Jews were killed in the Holocaust and denying it is wrong.
- The US does not accept the continuance of Israeli settlement in GAZA, settlement must stop
- No single nation should pick and choose who should have nuclear power
- No Nation should have nuclear weapons
- Iran should have the right to peaceful nuclear power
- The story of Islam where Moses, Jesus and Mohammed joined in prayer
- America does not presume to know what is best for everyone
- Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance
- Rules on charitable giving is hard for Muslims to fulfill their religious obligation
- American programs encourage students to study in Muslim communities. He will increase scholarships for Muslim students to study in America
- We will invest in students and teachers to go on line so that a student from Kansas can communicate with a student in Cairo
- We will invest in medical care for the child and maternal health in the Middle East
- We have the power to REMAKE THE WORLD
- HOLY KORAN – All mankind we have created you
- TOLMA – The whole of the TORA is for the purpose of promoting peace
- HOLY BIBLE – Blessed are the peace makers for they shall be called sons of God
Please follow this link if you want to listen for yourself!! IT IS 55 minutes long: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BlqLwCKkeY
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