The Republican Party of Texas State Convention and the LEADERS that will guide it – Part I
The 2024 state Republican convention, held in San Antonio on May 23-25, is now history. Only the 9,000 Delegates and Alternates that attended have stories to tell. Out of the 9,000, 60% of the Delegates had never been to a state convention before. It’s always exciting to attend the state convention and each convention has its own cognizance.
The most conservative party chair, Matt Rinaldi, did not seek another term. In so doing he left a massive hole that needed to be filled by a very strong grassroots conservative. A leader who will continue to move Texas to the Right! A leader who will listen to the people and fight alongside of them. A leader who has experience in fundraising.
The vacancy of the state chair position brought out several candidates. They included: Ben Armenta, Mike Garcia, Abraham George, Weston Martinez, Dana Myers and a late comer Matt Mackowiak.
Convention Delegates and Alternates had many opportunities to hear and learn the qualifications and goals of the candidates. Some of the candidates visited club meetings and forums throughout the state. Recordings of the forums were forwarded to all Delegates. This was the time to make an informed decision for the party chair and to select a second choice, if the need arose. The top contenders were Abraham George and Dana Myers.
George had been the GOP Chair for Collin County and had raised $700,000 for the party. He had been endorsed by Chair Matt Rinaldi and Attorney General Ken Paxton. Dana Myers was the current vice chair running to replace Rinaldi, but did not receive his support. She had been a persistent critic of his. In one of the interviews, she admitted she had only raised $65,000 for the party.
The smear tactics against George that surfaced during the campaign made it very obvious that George was in the lead. It was very disturbing because it was the 911 call made by his young daughter. George and his wife Jeena put out a statement that had been released earlier.

Texas Delegates did their due diligence and again selected a true grassroots conservative as the party chair, Abraham George, but not without a floor vote. There are 31 Senate Districts in Texas and each voted on who they preferred. The results were:
16 Abraham George
7 Dana Myers
5 Weston Martinez
2 Mike Garcia
1 Matt Mackowiak
Those candidates with at least three senate district wins were able to be nominated from the floor. They were George, Myers and Weston Martinez.
Martinez lost in the First Round of floor voting with only 1,816 votes leaving George and Myers. After the results were read, Myers announced her rivals’ endorsements which were: Mike Garcia, Ben Armenta, Matt Mackowiak, and Weston Martinez encouraging to support Dana in the next round of voting.
The round that decided who would chair the Republican Party of Texas was between Myers and George. The results were: George with 4,691 leaving Myers with 3,958. A margin of 733 votes between them. As grassroots conservatives we are thankful that George was the victor but must remain vigilant that our party continues to lean to the Right.
With so many “moderate” Delegates, caution must be taken that each Senate District is aware of the dangers of electing a “moderate” chair. The RED LINE “conservative” group endorsed several and that should have been a clue who NOT to vote for.
The vice chair race was a floor vote between Drinda Randall and Abby Johnson because Rachel Hisler conceded. The votes came in for Randall 5,769 to Johnson’s 2,870.
Robin Armstrong was unopposed as the Republican National Committeeman and Debbie Georgatos was elected as Republican National Committee woman replacing Toni Anne Dashiell who retired.
As grassroots conservatives we must continue to participate in our local organizations to make sure that Texas stays RED, bright RED.