San Antonio Christians Fight For Right Of Conscience!
The proposed San Antonio Non-Discrimination ordinance that Mayor Julian Castro would like passed is probably the most controversial issue that I can remember being argued in San Antonio. This issue has not only been in the local liberal media but has made the national media, both conservative and liberal. It is the Christians and those that want our 1st Amendment Right of Conscience from eroding further that strongly oppose this ordinance.
The local liberal media and at least one San Antonio radio talk show host, Chris Duel, are for the ordinance. Why am I telling you? Because it is very important to note that these very liberal people who claim to be tolerant are anything but tolerant and incite hatred, and most importantly, do not inform. Here is Duel’s Facebook post:
My tolerance for bigotry and discrimination of any of my fellow human beings has run out. We are all God’s children. And citing “god’s word” for your misplaced judgment just doesn’t cut it. Kudos and a salute to Jennifer Ingram, who served our country in Iraq and now serves as a voice for tolerance and understanding. Live and let live. Love one another. God Bless Us All.
There were a few who posted comments in opposition of the ordinance including myself. I had a dialogue with Jennifer Ingram who was not aware that the San Antonio Catholic Archbishop, Pastor John Hagee from Cornerstone church, Texas Leadership Coalition, Texas Values, and San Antonio Family Coalition were not supporting this ordinance. We discussed the ordinance until about 1:00 am. Ingram thanked me for taking the time to discuss the ordinance with her. I really can’t say if I made any headway in her understanding why there is so much opposition. What I found interesting was her comment that it is a ‘constitutional right’ to have access to government…
The following morning Duel had removed the entire thread. Duel, who accused others of having no tolerance, had no tolerance for a different view. He probably didn’t like that I had taken the time to explain the situation to Ingram. His biggest defense was belittling those citing “god’s word.” This is what we are to expect if the non-discrimination ordinance, which discriminates against Christians, is allowed to pass. We will be mocked and will not be allowed to speak our mind.
On Wednesday, August 28, there will be a city council meeting at 2:00 pm, and as a resident of San Antonio and a Christian, you do have a moral duty to express your discontent of the proposed ordinance. I have received many emails concerning the ordinance. I thought this one, received on Saturday, August 25, 2013, might be of interest because it is from a San Antonio City Council member.
Dear Friends, neighbors and constituents:
You are probably aware that the City Council is considering a NDO (non-discrimination ordinance) being put forth by Mayor Julian Castro and Councilmembers Diego Bernal, Rey Saldana, Ray Lopez, and previous Councilmember Leticia Ozuna.
This has become a very divisive issue in our community. Unfortunately the discussion is being driven through the media in an emotional manner with little attention paid to the actual document in question.
Here are a few facts you should know:
• This 20 page document has never been presented in any form to an official A or B session of City Council or to an appropriate Council Committee where it could be properly vetted.
• As of today this ordinance has not been provided to the general public through any official city publication. It has not been posted to the city website, provided to the Office of the City Clerk, and is not been provided in the backup documentation on the posted agenda. (I hope this transparency issue will be corrected soon.)
• While the details have yet to be discussed, it will affect local businesses via the public accommodations language and any company that wishes to do business with the city.
• It will impact appointments to boards and commissions. • It will begin a process in which the city may investigate complaints involving various types of discrimination, and provide remedies to aggrieved parties.
Needless to say, this is a complex issue that must be scrutinized carefully to avoid unintended consequences.
If you have questions or concerns about this proposal I urge you to come to City Hall located at 114 W. Commerce; on Wednesday, August 28, at 2 pm to hear City Council discuss the issue, on the record, and in an open forum.
Thank you,
Carlton Soules
Pastor Hagee came out with clarification on the statement that the SA Express News printed.
“The San Antonio Express News has corrected their misleading headline and the erroneous assertion that I supported this city ordinance.”
KEN PAXTON candidate for the office of Attorney General
“Fundamental religious freedom and freedom of speech, once you infringe upon those, you've lost two of the most fundamental rights in our Constitution. You don't have to agree with people in this country, you get to express what you want; you get to believe what you want. And guess what? People disagree. It's OK.”
“I oppose the proposed ordinance because it would not prevent discrimination, but impose it: stifling speech, repressing religious liberty, and imposing burdens on those who hold a traditional view on human relations. The proposed ordinance runs contrary to the Texas Constitution, which prohibits religious tests, and also defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Religious expression is guaranteed by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and this ordinance is also contrary to the clearly expressed will of the Texas Legislature in the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (Civil Practices and Remedies Code Ch. 110), which provides that ‘a government agency may not substantially burden a person’s free exercise of religion.’ The proposed ordinance sows confusion, where clarity is in order."
I don’t think I have to tell you just how important it is for you to continue to contact your council member. If you have not, what are you waiting for? If you have, call him/her again. Please attend the council meeting on Wednesday at 1:30 pm and sign up to speak against the ordinance. It is my understanding that September 5 will be the day the council votes on this nefarious ordinance. It is my opinion that Mayor Castro is just following orders from his mighty leader Obama. What could possibly be Castro’s reward if the ordinance passes?
Opposition Grows to San Antonio Anti-Religious Freedom Ordinance
Pastor John Hagee Clarifies He Opposes San Antonio Pro-Gay Ordinance
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