Sylvia Thompson Takes NFL & Beto to The Woodshed

Beto O’Rourke has gained notoriety and funding with his scripted defense of NFL players’ protests of kneeling during the national anthem with, “I can think of nothing more American than to peacefully stand up or take a knee, for your rights, anytime, anywhere, in any place." He followed on Sept 19, 2018, with an NFL quality cheap shot at law enforcement by labeling them “racist” and branding them as the “New Jim Crow”. In years gone by discipline was administered on unruly children in the family woodshed. Sylvia Thompson’s “Enough with Victimhood: Millionaire Athletes and their Lost Cause”, literally takes NFL protestors to the woodshed. Although written on October 1, 2017, the salient truths of her work have proved timeless almost a year later, by exposing just how opportunistic O’Rourke’s defense of these Black Americans is, without the mention of his name.

Fearlessness of Sylvia Thompson

Ms. Thompson, clutching Beto’s ear and that of a kneeling NFL millionaire on the way to the woodshed, proclaims the following: “Black victims these days …are products of decades of Black Americans being used by white progressive leftists to advance an anti-American agenda. The current … despicable behavior of NFL athletes toward the National Anthem is a prime example of what the left has done to my race.”

Sylvia Slams the Woodshed Door

Accurately pegging the twisted reasoning that these protests are to highlight “injustice “and “police brutality”, she labels them a “laughable crock”. Her pronouncement that “these fabricated protests dishonor valued symbols of the nation’s heritage also reveals the truth about black crime. Black males, while committing disportionately more crimes, have confrontational encounters with police that are rooted in their belief that they are above the law, and that their disrespect for police officers is an act of honor.”

Lawlessness Begets Lawlessness

Sylvia Thompson states what may not have been obvious to many with the following: “These young blacks, sadly took much of their direction from racists Obama and Eric Holder during Obama’s destructive eight-year regime and Holder’s corruption of the Justice Department. These two men, abusing their federal powers, gave young blacks the impression they need not heed the law, because laws are unjust when they are applied to Black Americans. The NFL lot are also influenced by Obama’s and Holder’s disdain for law and law enforcement.”

Protests Self Defeating

“Guilt–conflicted white coaches and owners” combined with “victimhood–inflicted black coaches” are being duped by the Left as these young misguided blacks are ensuing the demise of their lucrative livelihood. With attendance and TV ratings dwindling, economic reality will set in too late for these athletes. However, Beto O’Rourke will not be affected since he has raised his $38.1 million last quarter. But Beto and the NFL hierarchy are a good match. Do you remember when the Dallas Cowboys wanted to put decals on their helmets honoring five slain Dallas Police Officers and the NFL rebuffed them?

Clear Choice

The choice is clear. Texans can return Senator Ted Cruz, a principled Constitutionalist, to the Senate or they can slide down the slippery slope of socialism towards anarchy by sending a radical leftist.



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