Victims of Congressional Delay
One in four women will experience domestic violence during their life. Nearly three women are murdered by their spouses every day.
This is violent America in our time. Violence in the family unit. These crimes affect the spouse, the children, and the quality of life of our community.
The Violence Against Women Act, or VAWA, has helped women throughout our Nation. Lifesaving programs and resources have given victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and dating violence a chance for a better life.
My legislation to reauthorize the full funding of VAWA through 2019 will help victims of violence and support groups that work with battered families. But Congress has only extended VAWA for 3 months.
Women affected by domestic violence deserve better than more delay. Standing up for victims is not a partisan issue. Congress needs to fully fund and reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act because domestic violence victims are people too.
And that is just the way it is.