Will the TEXAS STATE CONFUSION…Convention ever END?
by Sonja Harris on July 30, 2020 at 11:40 AM

The RPT convention was originally scheduled to be held in person in Houston from July 16-18, 2020. Unfortunately, the Houston Democrat mayor, blaming COVID 19, cancelled the in person convention a few days before the start. Chairman James Dickey then had to act quickly to prepare for the virtual convention that the State Republican Executive Committee members were basically forced to agree upon. This change brought about new challenges to the RPT.
The convention gaveled in at 8:16pm on Saturday July 18, because of delays with the credentials the Senate District caucuses ended early morning about 4:30am on Monday, July 20, 2020. At least to most delegates it did. At the end of the general session that started on Sunday, July 19, Chairman Dickey announced that they were under ‘denial of service attack’, which means an intentional attack after a motion from the floor was passed which challenged the technology system.
The third general session reconvened at noon on Monday and the business of the State Nominations Committee was announced by Chairman David Covey, SD3. Allen West had won 22 SDs and Dickey came in with 4 SDs. He also announced that the vice chair had gone to Cat Parks with 16 SDs and Alma Jackson with 11 SDs.
Items that passed at the Congressional District caucuses were the elections of the National Delegates and alternates, and the Presidential Electors. Also National Committeeman, Dr. Robin Armstrong and National Committeewoman, Toni Anne Dashiell were reelected to each serve another term.
Delegates were able to vote on the Legislative Priorities just before the cyber-attack, so the top eight are still unofficial according to Mark Ramsey, Chair.
#1(81%) Election Integrity
#2 (77%) Religious Freedom
#3 (74%) Children and Gender Modification
#4 (73%) Abolition of Abortion
#5 (68%) Constitutional Carry
#6 (67%) Monument Protection
#7 (66%) School Choice for All
#8 (60%) Ban Taxpayer-Funded Lobbying
This is the motion that changed the direction of the 2020 RPT convention.
I move that the remaining business of this convention, with the exception of the state chair race, the state vice chair race, and the SREC races, be postponed to a second convention.
I further move that a committee be formed that will advise the chairman, on a new location, date, and time and any other details they deem appropriate, I further move that the committee be chosen through individual names being added to the meeting pulse question and answer functionality so that the convention delegates can ‘up-vote’ those they support to be on the committee. Those ten who received the highest number of votes would be on that committee with the highest vote getter serving as chairman of the committee.
This motion passed with almost 4,000 delegates voting 52% to 48%
The ‘meeting pause’ program crashed while Delegates were adding names to be on the 10 person committee to decide on the details for the second or the remainder of the virtual convention. Chairman Dickey announced that there were 5000 names on the list and that the delegates would then have to vote on the top ten individuals.
The business of the convention was running late and the delegates voted to have a second convention in order to move forward that night. It was about 11:30 pm that many delegates went to their respective Senate District caucuses. Delegates were to vote for the Chairman, Vice Chair, and SREC members. The SD caucuses also voted for National Delegates, Alternates and state electors.
The third general session which lasted approximately 10 minutes turned the chairmanship over to West. West offered his well wishes and told Dickey that he considers him to be “a very important counselor and mentor to me.” He also said that we have “only one enemy out there and that is the enemy of liberty, freedom, individual rights and individual sovereignty.” Dickey’s remarks included a call for unity. “When the contest is over, we come together as a united front to win for our party and keep Texas red.”
On July 25, 2020 the Committee of Ten chaired by Deon Starnes met and voted its commendations to be given to Chairman West. They voted against an in-person convention and recommended that a survey monkey poll go out to each delegate to vote on the Platform planks and the minority reports. Delegates should expect the poll after the September 19, SREC meeting with details to complete the survey.
Delegates received this update email from Chairman Allen West on Tuesday, July 28, at 4:30pm
Delegates and Alternates - Tue, Jul 28 at 4:30 PM
I wanted to provide an update on where we stand with regards to the virtual convention and the planning for the second convention to conclude work on our platform and rules.
A motion was adopted on Sunday July 18th to postpone to a second convention the remaining business of the convention with the exception of the races for State Chairman, State Vice-Chairman, and the SREC races. Immediately thereafter, the SDs undertook their business of nominating individuals for those four races. On Monday July 20, the convention reconvened, the report of the State Nominations was presented and adopted, electing Allen West as State Chairman, Cat Parks as State Vice-Chairman as well as the individuals nominated by the SDs to be on the SREC. As all business remaining had been completed, the first convention adjourned sine die.
The State Chairman and Vice Chairman, along with the SREC, shall be conferring on the steps to undertake the second convention to complete the postponed business of receiving and acting upon the reports from the Rules and Platform & Resolutions committees. Stay tuned and thank you for your attendance at the State convention, your participation in the work of the committees and joining us again to complete the work of the Party.
Steadfast and Loyal,
LTC Allen West
Republican Party of Texas
Republican Party of Texas
Chairman for the Platform & Resolutions Committee was Mark Dorazio, and the Rules Committee Chair was Vergel Cruz. The Platform and the Rules committees will have to reconvene at the second convention to finish the 2020 RPT business. How, where and IF this second convention will come about, who knows, only the devil knows the details.
Adding to the confusion is the fact that many of the State Republican Executive Committee members are new to the governing Executive Board. West has not made himself readily available to his SREC members as of this writing.
With the National Republican Convention cancelled in Jacksonville, Florida, only three people will be allowed to attend the NRC in Charlotte, North Carolina from each state in August. Texas will be represented by Chairman Allen West, Dr. Robin Armstrong and Toni Dashiell.
If anyone has emailed the RPT and not received a reply, you are not alone. In case, you call the RPT and no one answers don’t be surprised. The former staff has been replaced with West’s campaign people, Lisa Hendrickson, his campaign manager, is listed as his Chief of Staff and Stacy Smith his campaign scheduler according to the information on the RPT website is now the scheduler. There are others now at the RPT. Curious, is the RPT paying the same lavish salaries as West was paying on the campaign trail?
If any Texas Delegate is a bit confused, hold on to your hats, the roller coaster ride has just begun. But yes, let’s come together to win in November and KEEP TEXAS RED