GOP's US H. Res. 9 and Texas SB 16 - Sonogram Bill - Efforts to Stop Taxpayer Funded Abortions!
Actions speak louder than words!
Texans travelled to the Texas Capital Saturday, January 22 to walk in the Texas Rally for Life march sponsored by the Texas Alliance for Life. Governor Rick Perry gave the keynote address and Texas Senator Dan Patrick also spoke to an estimated 3,000 Pro Life supporters. Governor Perry stated that the 50 million unborn children lost to abortion since 1973 was a catastrophic number and that this was twice the population of Texas. During his speech Governor Perry announced that he was asking the Texas Legislature to work on passing the Sonogram Bill authored by Senator Patrick of Houston. SB 16 will require health care providers to offer a sonogram to pregnant women. Pregnant women should have the opportunity to see the sonogram images and hear the heartbeat of their baby before making a decision. It was good to hear Governor Perry announce that he was making it an emergency item to be considered during this legislative session. Of course, this announcement is already being attacked by the LEFT. When is Life not a number one issue? The Sanctity of Life must be preserved after all, doesn’t everything begin with LIFE? Senator Patrick’s speech was very interesting, as he mentioned Speaker Joe Straus’ commitment to Pro Life in the last ‘two months’. He emphasized that life issues were not a Republican or a Democrat issue but a God issue. He also said, “That truth is ridiculed, violently opposed and accepted as self evident.” Straus must now prove to us that he is Pro Life by his actions and not his words.
On Thursday afternoon, January 20 US House representatives passed their first Resolution to the REPEAL and REPLACE the Health Care bill. Four committees, Education and the Workforce, Energy and Commerce, Judiciary and the Ways and Means, will review and submit their changes to the existing Health Care bill. Number 10 of Resolution 9 concerns taxpayer funding for abortions. Number 13 concerns permanently fixing Medicare for the fast growing population of seniors. Number 3 will enable us to keep our health insurance if we want to keep it. With ObamaCare, the federal government will entice employers with incentives to drop their company insurance plans and send their employees into the arms of ObamaCare.
We all know that even if agreed and passed in the US House, Harry Reid is bracing the Senate to not even consider debating any bill repealing ObamaCare. And of course, Obama with his double talk will not permit his ObamaCare to be dismantled. But let’s review the immediate past. Obama has not wavered, has not stuttered. He has just continued to ignore the American people and our voices, that we did not want ObamaCare. ObamaCare was proudly rammed down our throats by the Socialists/Democrats. So have DADT and the out of control spending. We should return the favor and ignore Obama and his Socialist/Democrat buddies and completely REPEAL the horrific OBAMACARE!
Let’s see how creative the Republicans can become in defeating the Socialist agenda that has been forced on the American people. We can not give up, we can not rest, especially now that Obama is whipping around his ‘two face’ mask to America. There are still Americans that are willing to be fooled by Obama’s ‘magic’ words. Remember that actions speak louder than words!
SB 16
Lt. Gov. Dewhurst Makes Senator Dan Patrick's Sonogram Bill A Priority
SB 16, known as "The Sonogram Bill," will require abortion providers to offer a patient a sonogram of her child, an explanation of the child's current state of development, and the opportunity to hear the heartbeat before the abortion procedure. However, the patient can decline receiving these services. The sonogram bill is key to ensure that women are better informed about the decision to obtain an abortion.
H.RES.9 -- Resolved, That the Committee on Education and the Workforce, the Committee on Energy and Commerce, the Committee on the Judiciary, and the Committee on Ways and Means, shall each... (Engrossed in House [Passed House] - EH)
H. Res. 9
In the House of Representatives, U. S.,
January 20, 2011.
Resolved, That the Committee on Education and the Workforce, the Committee on Energy and Commerce, the Committee on the Judiciary, and the Committee on Ways and Means, shall each report to the House legislation proposing changes to existing law within each committee's jurisdiction with provisions that--
(1) foster economic growth and private sector job creation by eliminating job-killing policies and regulations;
(2) lower health care premiums through increased competition and choice;
(3) preserve a patient's ability to keep his or her health plan if he or she likes it;
(4) provide people with pre-existing conditions access to affordable health coverage;
(5) reform the medical liability system to reduce unnecessary and wasteful health care spending;
(6) increase the number of insured Americans;
(7) protect the doctor-patient relationship;
(8) provide the States greater flexibility to administer Medicaid programs;
(9) expand incentives to encourage personal responsibility for health care coverage and costs;
(10) prohibit taxpayer funding of abortions and provide conscience protections for health care providers;
(11) eliminate duplicative government programs and wasteful spending;
(12) do not accelerate the insolvency of entitlement programs or increase the tax burden on Americans; or
(13) enact a permanent fix to the flawed Medicare sustainable growth rate formula used to determine physician payments under title XVIII of the Social Security Act to preserve health care for the nation's seniors and to provide a stable environment for physicians.
House GOP works on health 'solutions'
Despite the opposition to the repeal effort, there is a general sense that between the court challenges lodged against the law and the bills introduced to change it, the health care act will be tweaked in some fashion.
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