Blood in the Water – Can You be a Shark?
This Saturday, November 14, there is a potential game-changing event being held for the very first time in the Houston area.
Patterned after the ABC show “Shark Tank”, which puts entrepreneurs hoping to change the marketplace in front of potential investors, the political concept of Shark Tank will put new conservative candidates in front of potential donors and political activists like yourselves.
The political shark tank donors (you!) and candidates are trying to change the world—specifically Texas—for the better for our children and grandchildren and beyond.
An important difference is that while the ABC version features billionaire investors only, the political one invites all interested conservative donors—even $5 donors—to attend. Wealthy conservatives are of course invited as well!
Two similar events in the Dallas Ft. Worth area recently netted several hundred thousand dollars for conservatives challenging the establishment!
To sign up to attend, go to It is free to attend if you are a potential donor to candidates of your choice. You must, however, register by Friday. You cannot simply “show up” as donors must be registered and the candidates themselves are vetted in advance to ensure they are conservatives worthy of your consideration. At the very least you will get to meet and learn about some of the newer candidates trying to bring conservative values back to government.
It is past time for citizens to take back control of our government from the ruling elites.
Plato said at about the time of Christ that "One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors."
It is a great if not historic opportunity to participate. Be there. Register here.