Brady Fights for the Unborn and for Pro-Family Legislation

I released the following statement reiterating my commitment to pro-life causes and legislation: 

I stand with the peaceful marchers in Washington calling on the nation and our government to protect the sanctity of life and defend the unborn, and I would like to thank President Trump for his unwavering support of pro-life values and his decision to become the first president to attend the March for Life in person. The President and his Administration have been crucial partners in defending the unborn and strengthening families. I know firsthand how important this effort is: My wife Cathy and I have been blessed with two children thanks to the loving mercy of two mothers who chose life. Encouraged by these advances, we will continue to fight for the unborn in the days ahead.


In the 116th Congress, I have supported multiple pieces of pro-life legislation, including:

  • The Life at Conception Act, sponsored by Rep. Alex Mooney (WV-02), which provides equal protection for the lives of born and pre-born persons.
  • The Defund Planned Parenthood Act, sponsored by Rep. Vicky Hartzler (MO-04), which prohibits funding Planned Parenthood for one year, reallocating the savings to community health centers.
  • The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, sponsored by Rep. Chris Smith (NJ-04), which  prohibits performing an abortion on an unborn baby who is 20 weeks or older.
  • The Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act, sponsored by Rep. Ann Wagner (MO-02), which prohibits sex-selected abortions, aborting a child on the basis of the child’s gender.
  • The Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act, sponsored by Rep. Mike Johnson (LA-04), which makes it a crime to knowingly transport a minor across a state line, circumventing parental consent and state notification requirements, in order to obtain an abortion.
  • The Heartbeat Protection Act, sponsored by Rep. Steve King (IA-04), which makes it a crime for a physician to knowingly perform an abortion without determining whether the fetus has a detectable heartbeat, and informing the mother.

I have also signed on to the following letters and briefs:

  • Rep. Chris Smith’s letter to Secretary Pompeo expressing domestic NGOs should have to maintain physical and financial separation from abortion-related activities within funded programs.
  • Rep. Jackie Walorski’s letter to DOJ requesting a thorough investigation of the fetal remains found on the property of deceased abortionist Ulrich Klopfer.
  • Rep. Hartzler and Sen. Lankford’s Little Sisters of the Poor Amicus Brief asking the U.S. Supreme Court to grant cert in the Little Sisters of the Poor case. Amicus brief argues that the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) permits and even requires federal agencies to provide exemptions for religious non-profits to provide contraceptive coverage in their health plans.

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