Bruce Braley is Just Another Democrat Bully
Bruce Braley's chicken dispute is demonstrating how Democrats view their fellow citizens and to what extent they will go to in order to remind others that they are the ruling class. In a recent episode dealing with his neighbor's wandering chickens, Braley showed a heavily leaded political touch that could end his political career in Iowa.
The congressman was the heavy favorite to keep the Iowa seat Democratic before a tape surfaced showing him at a fundraising event badmouthing his fellow Republican Senator, Charles Grassley, by deriding him as just a farmer. He stated that we certainly don’t want a farmer running the judicial committee. Needless to say, many Iowans were hardly amused when they saw the video, and Braley took a big hit.
Meanwhile, the Republicans nominated Joni Ernst, a grandmother, a farmer, and least we forget, a Lt. Colonel for the Iowa National Guard. I should even add that Ms. Ernst served in Iraq. So we have a Democrat who insulted farmers against a farmer and vet to boot.
But for Braley, it gets worse. A neighbor came to his summer house to offer organic eggs, only to be told by Braley’s wife, “We are not going to accept your eggs and we have a formal complaint against you,” Their neighbor, Pauline Hampton, was stunned since the Braley’s never complained to her directly about her chickens; but soon thereafter, the Braleys went to the homeowner’s association to voice their complaint and talked with the Association lawyer to outlaw chickens in the neighborhood. While no formal threat to sue was ever issued, it shows something peculiar about Braley. One would assume that for a candidate running for Senate, a more subdued approach would be called for, but Braley simply attempted to bully a neighbor.
It is a minor issue, but it is interesting how Democrats use the power of government to go after those they disagree with; and this is simply an example of a trend that is not limited to Braley. Dick Durbin, the king bully in the United States Senate, recently threatened radio stations with FCC actions against them to get an ad off the air criticizing him of hypocrisy when it came to the pay differential between men and women in his office. In his letter to the stations, he never refuted the central point of the ad that the average woman is paid less than average male in his office.
Both Dick Durbin and Bruce Braley demanded the IRS investigate their political opponents so the bully tactics of Democrats shows a seedy side to the political left as they attempt to squash their opponents’ political free speech.
The chicken incident by itself is a beef between neighbors, but this is a Senate Race and Braley did go after a neighbor. By all accounts, he never went to the neighbor privately to deal with the issue before going public. But then if a congressman is willing to sign a letter to the IRS to go after his political opponent, he must be perfectly willing to be a bully to his neighbor. The irony is that his neighbor is a vet and a registered Democrat. It will be interesting if she will pull the lever against her neighbor. And this episode shows the disrespect that Democrats have for the voters and their political opponents.
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