Congressman Sessions' Report from Capitol Hill
This week is National Small Business Week, an opportunity to recognize and highlight the contributions of our nation's small businesses – the engine of our economy. One of my top priorities in Congress is to get government out of the way so that Texas small businesses can grow, invest, and hire new workers. Throughout the Obama Administration, small businesses across the country have been unnecessarily burdened by an onslaught of new government rules, regulations, and taxes. The most egregious example of this is the President's health care law.
The nonpartisan Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report on Wednesday stating that ObamaCare implementation is behind schedule and experiencing challenges. This report confirms what we’ve known all along: the massive government takeover of health care is an implementation nightmare and is devastating America's small businesses. Delays and missed deadlines create even more uncertainty for small businesses who are already struggling to understand this extremely complicated law.
Recent headlines also highlighted the harsh reality of the President’s health care law, noting that it is forcing employees to cut hours and phase out full-time work in order to avoid paying benefits under the mandate. Low-income workers are hurt most by this because it reduces the amount of full-time work available and cuts employee’s hours. In fact, a recent poll found that 41% of businesses have frozen hiring because of ObamaCare. Another 19% have reduced the number of employees in their business as a specific result of ObamaCare.
The devastating impact of ObamaCare on small businesses is just one of the many reasons that I am committed to repealing the damaging law. ObamaCare is harmful for our economy, our health care system, and Texas families. I will continue to fight for a full repeal of ObamaCare and will continue to update you on my efforts.
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