Congressman Tony Gonzales Secures $1 Million for Del Rio Tiny Homes For Veterans in Appropriations Bill

I secured $1 million for the Del Rio Tiny Homes for Veterans Project. The funds will go to Del Rio For Our Brothers (Del Rio F.O.B.) to construct and maintain temporary homes for veterans currently suffering from homelessness. The money is allocated in the FY2022 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development (THUD) Appropriations bill. 

Too often, veterans in our rural communities are left behind after honorably serving our country. I am excited to see such a significant investment in this year’s Appropriations bill go to addressing the issue of veterans housing, specifically in Del Rio and Val Verde County. These funds will go towards a better quality of life and high-quality housing for thousands of our veterans. I am proud to have secured these funds for the Del Rio community as well as my fellow veterans.

Additionally, I helped to include funding for a variety of programs that will benefit transportation and housing related projects across the district: 

  • $7,500,000 for I-35 Corridor Project construction.
  • $3,700,000,000 for Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Community Development Block Grant program. 
  • $1,800,500,000 for HUD’s HOME program.
  • $1,200,000,000 for National Infrastructure Investments in multi-modal projects.

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