Conservative CHIP ROY VS Progressive WENDY DAVIS

Pictured is U.S. Congressman Chip Roy, Congressional District 21. A straight forward, serious individual interested in the well-being of his constituents and his district as a whole. He is a member of the House Freedom Caucus and is working untiringly for conservative values, even with the House being a Democrat majority. Roy won election in November, 2018, with 177,654 votes to Democrat Joseph Kopser’s 168,421 votes. We may not like to think that it was this close but it was. One factor that may have contributed to the Progressives’ feeling that they could win was the fact that the previous Congressman, Lamar Smith had held that seat for 30 years. They were wrong.

The fact remains the Socialistic Democrat Party is working hard to try and turn Texas Blue. They are not hiding the fact that they want Texas or that they are Progressives or Socialists. It’s out in the open for everyone to see. A frightening thought to say the least.

Roy has proven to his constituents that he surely belongs in the Congressional District 21 seat. His level of understanding of the complexities in legislature led to his single-handedly delaying a $19.1 billion disaster aid package. Because, as he put it, “Members should cast an up or down vote on major legislation that spends significant amount of taxpayer money.” House Democrats tried to pass the bill after members had already recessed for the Memorial Day holiday.

He has stood with President Trump on securing the border. He wrote an article with Jim Jordan and Andy Biggs entitled, “Pelosi, Dems just don’t care about our national emergency,” stating that, “If Pelosi and House Democrats are unwilling to have the serious debates needed to address the humanitarian crisis at our southern border, they are forcing President Trump to take all necessary steps to secure the border, stop the abuse of migrant women and children, and shore up American sovereignty. The article further stated that, “President Trump was right to declare a state of emergency at our border. If a recalcitrant Congress refuses to act, he would be right to move forward securing our border.”

Roy has proven to be is a staunch prolife member of the House. He has not wavered even in the face of vicious attacks from the Left. He has been one of many Republicans calling for a vote on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. He voted against the Equality Act, a bill that would be detrimental to the unborn. He voted against an appropriations bill to reverse President Trump’s policy of prohibiting U. S. funding for abortions overseas and to reinstate U. S. funding to the United Nations Populations Fund. He has a 100% rating on the National Right to Life’s Federal scorecard. He is not shy about explaining his vote on any issue. He even takes the time to explain it to his constituents on his website and on Facebook.

Roy lists his town halls on his website; he has been extremely busy informing his constitutions about legislative issues. So far, Austin, San Antonio, Leakey, Kerrville, and Blanco, have had town halls. Hays, Comal, Bandera, Kendall and Gillespie counties will soon have their town halls.

Every good story has a ‘villain’. In this case, it’s Wendy Davis. After much deliberation and thought, Progressive Wendy Davis announced in July that she would campaign for CD 21 as a Democrat.

She once believed she could beat Governor Greg Abbott and ran against him and failed miserably in 2014, 59.27% to 38.90%. This 2013 Texas Monthly cover depicts her enthusiasm to run with her senate ‘tennis shoes’. The tennis shoes are a symbol of her 2013 ‘filibuster’ in the Texas senate to stop SB5 relating to the regulation of abortion procedures, providers, and facilities; providing penalties. On June 25, 2013 she stood on the senate floor from about 11:18 am until the following morning around midnight…about 11 hours…some say it was 13 hours.

David Dewhurst was the Texas Lieutenant Governor at the time of the ‘filibuster incident’ and had this to say:

"I am furious about the outcome of the final day of this Special Session, when an unruly, screaming mob using “Occupy Wall Street” tactics derailed legislation intended to protect the health of Texas women and their babies. An unconscionable series of delaying actions by the minority party and their allies placed SB5 in direct jeopardy of death-by-filibuster upon its arrival in the Senate. Pushing every parliamentary procedure to its limit, we passed SB5 19-10, but the deafening roar from the gallery drowned out any possibility of adjourning with a signed bill. I pledge to Texas one thing: this fight is far from over."

Governor Rick Perry called for another special session on July 1, 2013 with SB5 among other issues on the table. The cost for a special session is not cheap. In an 2013 article by Ross Ramsey, he stated that the cost was $27,300 per day or $819,000 for a 30-day session with the 181 lawmakers, plus the Lt Governor.

You may wonder why I am rehashing this episode. It’s because Wendy Davis has again emerged and has declared that she can win in Texas. CD21 is considered the Heart of Texas and would be a grand victory for the Democrats and a devastating blow to the GOP. This time we better watch out, she is determined and has worked diligently for this moment. Nancy Pelosi has volunteered to help her in her effort to turn Texas Blue.

In a National Podcast of Texas hosted by Andy Langer, March 7, 2019…..Davis told him, that, “for me the motivating factor, if I ran again would be about the goal of realizing our vision. The goal of making sure that the progressive values that matter so very much to me, and I believe to a majority of Texans have a voice fighting for them.”

Langer prompted her, “But it’s not worth doing, if you don’t think you can win?” Her answer, “True…I mean you can’t bring the kind of energy to a fight if you don’t believe it’s something that you can be successful at. A lot of energy needed to run statewide in a state as big as Texas.”

Please understand that her only goal, her ‘progressive values’ that matter to her, are ‘reproductive rights’ in Texas…meaning abortion. Strange that she ‘covered up’ her nickname given to her after the filibuster, ‘Abortion Barbie’. Erick Erickson takes credit for the nickname. She claims in the interview that she became the, ‘People’s Filibuster’, never heard anyone call her that. She is the abortion icon. Posing with the Castro brothers can she stand for anything else?

Actress Sandra Bullock is planning to star in a movie based on Davis’ filibuster, “Let Her Speak”. According to Davis, she met with Bullock in February, 2019 at Bullock’s restaurant, ‘Walton’s Fancy & Staple’ in Austin to discuss the purpose of her filibuster. We know the purpose, she stood on the Senate floor for abortion. Interesting enough is that the movie is scheduled to be released in 2020, in time for the November Election. The Progressives are working very hard to influence Congressional District 21 to their side. Hopefully, Lt Gov Dan Patrick follows through with his assertion, to not let Bullock film on the Texas Senate floor. His words, “If I have anything to do with that, I’m not going to let them use the Senate chamber to shoot because they have already disgraced it once. I’m not going to let them do it again.”

Davis founded ‘Deeds for Words’ and established it as a non-profit in 2018. According to the information available on ‘Information Watch’ it’s described as an ‘Abortion and Women’s Advocacy Group’. She has also partnered with Cristina Tzintzun for ‘Movement Mujeres’ a group uplifting women of color into leadership positions in Texas. The website has this to say about the women of color:

Women denied abortion access through the closure of more than half of Texas’ abortion clinics (which has disproportionately occurred in communities of color) are three times more likely to fall into poverty.

There is no doubt that Wendy Davis is still the ‘Abortion Barbie’ of Texas. We must be vigilant of hidden pitfalls coming in 2020 and we must be prepared to meet them head-on. The Progressive values must fail and Conservative values must prevail.

Fight, NEVER give up!

Chip Roy


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