Cornyn: Amb. Craft’s Record ‘Outstanding,’ Will Serve U.S. Well At U.N.

Recently on the floor, I discussed the nomination of Ambassador Kelly Knight Craft to be U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. Excerpts of my floor remarks are below, and video can be found here.

Looking back on that two years now, it's safe to say it's been a dynamic time during our relationship with our neighbor to the north, a fact that made Ambassador Craft's job all that much more important.

Through each challenge and difference between our leaders, Ambassador Craft has demonstrated her tact and diplomatic skills. In addition to the usual duties of the office, Ambassador Craft facilitated the renegotiation of NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, and helped broker the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement, the USMCA.

She helped build consensus on this agreement, which will benefit North American workers and farmers and businesses, and won friends from both countries in the process.

Once President Trump nominated Ambassador Craft to represent the United States in the U.N., we heard glowing endorsements from many of those people. Canadian officials praised her instrumental role in NAFTA negotiations and her work on border security issues, and U.S. diplomats who served under both Republican and Democrat Administrations spoke about their confidence in Ambassador Craft and her ability to represent our country on the world stage.

For the last two years, Ambassador Craft has made our country proud as the U.S. ambassador to Canada, and I’m confident her outstanding record will continue at the United Nations. I appreciate her willingness to serve in this important role and look forward to voting for her nomination later this week.


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