Cornyn: Democrat Blockade of Pentagon Nominees Puts Lives at Risk

I am urging my Democrat colleagues to end their months-long blockade of President Trump’s Executive Branch nominees. 

This obstruction is particularly acutely felt at the Department of Defense. Now you would think if there's one thing that's bipartisan or nonpartisan, it would be our national security. But, in fact, only seven of President Trump's nominations for the Pentagon have been confirmed. Two of the remaining nominees waiting for confirmation have been waiting for two months after they have been unanimously confirmed by the Armed Services Committee.

The Minority Leader is blocking these nominees, but his ranking member on the Senate Armed Services Committee, along with all other Democrats on the Armed Services Committee, unanimously voted to confirm the nominee and vote them out of committee.

Each day that our Democratic colleagues delay the process, they're hindering our readiness and putting American lives at risk.

It's especially disgraceful for those men and women who put their lives in harm's way, who wake up every day and risk their lives to defend the country.

They deserve better than this from our Senate Democratic colleagues. So I hope the Senator from New York, the Democratic Leader, will stick to what he said last week and drop the needless blockade against the President's nominees.


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