Cornyn Launches Preparedness Site Ahead of Hurricane Season

At the start of this hurricane season, I launched a page on my website for Texans with information on how to be prepared and resources about disaster aid available after a stormVisit for more.

I joined Weather Channel Meteorologist Jim Cantore on a PSA urging Texans to be prepared for severe weather.

Click here to watch the video.

SEN. CORNYN: We saw it during Hurricane Harvey. Dangerous weather can happen anytime, anywhere. Hi, I’m Senator John Cornyn, and I’m constantly working to make sure Texas is prepared for severe weather.

JIM CANTORE: And you should be prepared, too. Start by creating an emergency plan for you and your family, practice that plan, and stay on alert for extreme weather threats.

CORNYN & CANTORE: When we prepare together, we can weather any storm. 


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