Corruption and Robert Menendez Indictment
If you want to understand the corrupt nature of the present regime, the Robert Menendez indictment is a good example of it. Former prosecutor Andy McCarthy observed that a similar case could have been made against Harry Reid for Reid’s aid for Dr. Melgen, who contributed to Reid’s SuperPac Majority PAC for favors listed in the Menendez indictment. McCarthy wrote, “If you just read what the Justice Department has chosen to include in its indictment, you would conclude that Menendez leaned heavily on Reid to get him a meeting with Sebelius (as if Menendez could not have gotten such a meeting on his own), and that Reid otherwise had nothing to do with the matter. But in reality, Melgen contributed $700,000 to a Reid-controlled super PAC, including $100,000, which was not 'earmarked' for Menendez, just a few days before Reid, not Menendez, arranged the meeting with Sebelius – a meeting at which Reid accompanied Menendez knowing full well that the agenda was to plead on their deep-pocketed donor’s behalf.” So why did the Department of Justice not go after Reid? Is it because Menendez opposed Obama’s Iranian policy and Reid did not? I just report the facts, and you the reader can decide if a President would be willing to allow opposition to his policy to lead to Department of Justice investigation.
That is not all: an unnamed female Democratic Senator who faced an August 2012 primary challenge received a donation from Dr. Melgen, Senator Menendez’s friend. As Powerlineblog writer Scott Johnson wrote, “The unnamed Senator is an incumbent Democratic woman who faced an August 2012 primary. According to the indictment, Menendez and the unnamed Democratic Senator agreed to raise “approximately” $25,000 for each other (paragraph 54). According to the indictment, Menendez sought a contribution of $8,000 from his friend Dr. Melgen to help fulfill this commitment to Senator 1, to whom Melgen had never before contributed…Six incumbent Democratic women Senators were up for reelection in 2012. Of the six, only Minnesota’s own Amy Klobuchar faced opposition in an August 2012 primary. (Stabenow ran unopposed in an August 2012 primary.) Is Klobuchar Senator 1?”
So why isn’t the Justice Department going after Amy Klobuchar, who by their own document may be guilty of the same offense? Is it because Senator Klobuchar supports Obama’s Iran policy provided that she is Senator 1? We are talking about one of the key votes in American history in which we are agreeing to allow Iran to get the bomb based on the present understanding, and we have an administration who is perfectly willing to punish members of its own Party with serious questions. There will be pressure on Senator Menendez to resign his Senate seat as one Washington Post pundit has already begun the call for Menendez’s scalp even though one should tell the Post writer that a Republican will be appointing the new Senator. I doubt that Christie will appoint a Democrat.
The message is clear, any attempt to join Republicans in questioning Obama’s policy will result in a possible investigation. Meanwhile the Department of Justice has decided that Lois Lerner will not be prosecuted for her part in targeting conservative groups. There is no doubt that conservative groups were targeted by the IRS and Lois Lerner was involved. This is a woman who attempted to blackmail a Republican Senator in 1996 when she told him that a FEC investigation would be dropped if he promised never to run again. He refused and spent six figures defending himself before the Federal Courts threw the case out. Here is link for more information about that case. Lois Lerner is allowed to go free after putting daggers in our Democratic system, but Robert Menendez is being put through the ringer because he is acting in a bipartisan fashion to question a policy mistake that will have disastrous consequences.