Democrats Will Try to Stall Judge Kavanaugh’s Confirmation Vote
We've already begun to hear rumblings from our Democratic colleagues that they're going to want to see every scrap of paper that ever came across Brett Kavanaugh's desk, and my suggestion would be they focus on his twelve years on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, and in 2006 when he was confirmed to the DC Circuit Court of Appeals, the second highest federal court in the nation.
They've made no requests for the records that came across his desk when he served as staff secretary at the Bush White House, basically managing the paper flow for the Administration.
So expect to see a lot of requests for documents, expect to see requests for delays, but we're determined to make sure that, supporting Chairman Grassley, this is a fair and full hearing, but we're not going to sit idly by and allow our Democratic colleagues to draw this out by making unreasonable document demands which would delay this hearing until well past the election.