Elizabeth Warren building fake foreign policy credentials
Hillary Clinton has the office closest to the door; the Democrats want her gone!
The evidence mounts almost daily, as Clinton dodges the arrows (and shoes), and Elizabeth Warren continues to shoot them. The fake Indian Senator from Massachusetts traveled to Israel over the weekend, in what is undoubtedly a sign that she will challenge Hillary Clinton.
In an effort to fake foreign policy credentials, The Boston Globe reported that Warren landed in Tel Aviv on Saturday. She will visit Israel, the West Bank, and Jordan, according to the story.
The very State Department formerly led by Hillary Clinton put the trip together, along with the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, of which she is a member. Warren, the only senator traveling with the group, brought her legislative director Jon Donenberg.
This is how politicians build credentials; they arrange taxpayer-funded travel to foreign lands, in order to convince their stupid electorate that they are up-to-speed on all these issues. So Warren will be an EXPERT on the Middle East after a couple of boondoggles.
The Jerusalem Post reported that Warren met with Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday.
Politico, reports that Warren will meet with members of the Jordanian government, the Palestinian Authority, United Nations groups, the United States Agency for International Development, and troops from Massachusetts currently stationed in the Middle East, just part of the ruse to counter any politico who dare attack Warren’s foreign policy credentials in the future.
And like with ObamaCare lies, IRS lies, Benghazi lies, Fast and Furious lies, and the Ferguson nonsense, we have Democrats promoting their newest lies and more nonsense that is Elizabeth Warren.
One Democratic strategist told Politico Warren’s trip to the Middle East signifies she is increasingly becoming a power player on the left.
“She’s very quickly in a very different place than when she was first elected,” said Scott Ferson, president of the Liberty Square Group and former press secretary for Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy.
Democratic strategist and former spokesman for Sen. Harry Reid , D-Nev., Jim Manley, classified Warren’s trip as a way to beef up her resume.
“There is no better way to start building your foreign policy resume than going to Israel — as long as you manage to avoid missteps in that unforgiving part of the world,” Manley told Politico.
There’s no better way to understand something than to take a trip somewhere, then present yourself as having credentials. It’s sort of like THINKING I was an Indian, so I’m claiming to BE an Indian!
Personally I can’t wait to see Hillary Clinton attacking Warren, though I still believe Hillary will see the writing on the wall and ultimately drop out of the presidential race.