Gay Couple Sues to FORCE Christian Photographer to Take Pictures of Same Sex Marriage
That is where I heard about this case of a photographer being forced by the government to take pictures of an private event that violates the photographer's beliefs.
This case is about a photographer in New Mexico who did not want to take pictures of a gay marriage wedding because it violated her beliefs. This gay couple could have gone with another photographer, but they decide to go to court to force this photographer to take their money and take pictures for them at their marriage ceremony. The photographer contended that she cannot be forced to engage in speech that she does not believe in by taking pictures that will be used to promote gay marriage. The court ruled that the constitution did not apply to the photographer and told the photographer that she must take the pictures.
ARE YOU SERIOUS? This is what I have been talking about for awhile now. The liberal agenda does not just want tolerance. They want acceptance. They want you to be forced to engage in their actions. They want you to be forced to engage in their speech and not be allowed to have beliefs or speech of your own.
This case has been appealed to the New Mexico Supreme Court where hopefully the judges there will have some sense.
What is next? Force a Jewish writer to work a job writing a blog for an anti-Semite website praising Hitler? Force a black American caterer to serve punch at a Ku Klux Klan Rally? That might as well happen because that is exactly what is happening here. SERIOUSLY, how can the government try to force this photographer to participate in a private gay wedding when the photographer does not believe in gay weddings and does not want to take pictures at one? This gay couple has NO right under the Constitution to have pictures taken by this individual of their wedding. This photographer DOES have the right to believe gay marriage is wrong and not have to be forced to participate in a private gay wedding that violates her religious beliefs.
I have written about a ton of crazy things recently, BUT THIS SITUATION IS NUTS! There is a clear war against Christianity raging in America. Soon enough we will be put in prison for even simply believing and speaking about Christianity because it will be labeled hate speech.
I thought it was bad enough that the atheists and liberals in America want to do things like remove a cross from the 9/11 memorial. The cross at the 9/11 memorial does not force anyone to engage in an activity that they do not believe in. All it is anyway is a support beam that was left standing after the towers fell that looks like a cross. They want to finish what the terrorists started and tear the rest of the twin towers down by removing this section that was left standing after the terrorists crashed their planes. How does this cross-looking support beam at a museum that no one is forced to go to violate an atheists rights? Does this cross force the atheist to be a Christian? These atheists have no right to try to get a court to remove it.
Hypothetically, it would be wrong if Christians did something like force an atheist actor to render his acting services because someone wants him to be a hired actor in a Sunday school Jesus play. BUT THAT DOES NOT HAPPEN AND WOULD NEVER HAPPEN. Christians want to just be allowed to practice our religion publicly and not have atheists take away that right or to re-write history simply because the atheists do not like the Christian foundation of America. Atheists and liberals do and have been doing these kinds of unconstitutional things for some time now. It is okay if they do not want to spend money at Chick-Fil-A. That is their choice. I do not spend money at Home Depot because I do not like what they publicly promote. I would not try to ban home depot from building in my city though just because I do not agree with the religious beliefs of the owners. If I did I would probably be put in jail by Obama and Eric Holder's Racist Godless Department of Justice. The liberals, on the other hand, have no problem trying to ban Chick-Fil-A from building in their cities because of the Christian beliefs of the owners. Somehow it is okay for them to be intolerant bigots and do things to Christians like that, but if the tables were turned they would be crying foul.
We must stand up America. We must fight back against these unconstitutional attacks on out freedom of speech, expression and religion. If we don't, then pretty soon we won't have those rights anymore.
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I wouldn't do it regardless
Double Standard
As a gay person, I find it
I agree. It is wrong that
Did you seriously just
It's fine if your views are private, but any time you run a public business, you have a responsibility to serve all regardless of your personal views of the people.
As for the rest? You lump a bunch of people together. Gay does not equal atheist or liberal. And you are trying to stomp on my religion, which consecrates same sex couples in marriage.