Government Funding Bill Includes Key Texas Transportation Priorities

I supported the passage of H.R. 244, which funds the federal government through the end of the 2017 fiscal year, and appropriates funding to several transportation programs important to Texas:

The Omnibus Appropriations bill of 2017 includes $19.3 billion in discretionary funding for the Department of Transportation, which is $681 million above the fiscal year 2016 enacted level, to support improvements to waterways, highways, aviation, and transit projects in states like Texas, as well as encourage public-private partnerships.

  • Federal Contract Tower Program - The legislation contains language authored by me to advance pending applications to the Federal Aviation Administration’s Federal Contract Tower Program. For over two years, the FAA has delayed new additions to the program. The North Texas Regional Airport in Grayson County has a pending application for the program.
  • Highway Guide Signs – The legislation contains language led by me addressing a technical issue regarding guidance to states on permissible highway safety sign characteristics that has impacted Texas and the Texas Department of Transportation.

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