House Oversight Committee Field Hearing in Richardson ObamaCare Implementation: Who Are The Navigators?
As you may remember, undercover videos were released in November that showed ObamaCare navigators from two different locations in North Texas encouraging applicants to lie on their health insurance applications in order to avoid higher premiums, to remain eligible for premium subsidies, and to avoid audit. An additional video of a navigator encouraging individuals to commit fraud emerged from Houston, Texas, later in the month.
In response, I asked that the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform hold a field hearing in North Texas to investigate the navigator program. I’m delighted to share that the Committee has agreed to this request and that I will be participating in the hearing with House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa and several other Members of Congress. I hope that you will be able to join us. ObamaCare Implementation: Who Are The Navigators?
Monday, December 16, 2013
Charles W. Eisemann Center
2351 Performance Drive
Richardson, Texas 75082
*This field hearing is open to the public. Please note that participation is limited to the panel and witnesses during official congressional hearings.
Even before enrollment in the federal health insurance exchanges began, many questions were raised about the navigator program. It is my hope that this field hearing will allow us to gain a deeper understanding of the navigator program, including its employee training and vetting processes, and to get to the bottom of these examples of fraud and abuse.
In order to accommodate attendees, please RSVP to let us know that you are coming to next week's hearing.
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