Hurd Pushes for Lower Drug Costs, More Transparency
I continued my push for lower prescription drug costs and increased health care access, transparency and innovation by helping introduce the Lower Costs, More Cures Act (H.R. 19). This comprehensive package includes several bipartisan House and Senate measures to lower out-of-pocket spending, protect access to medicines and cures, strengthen transparency and accountability and encourage competition in the healthcare space.
Americans should not have to choose between putting food on the table or filling their prescription. The only way we can get big things done in Congress is by working together, which is why I’m proud to support H.R. 19. This bill includes several initiatives – all bipartisan – that lower prescription drug costs, protect access to cures and ensure affordability, transparency and predictability at the pharmacy counter. The American people deserve nothing less. I’ll continue to do all that I can to increase access to and decrease costs of care.
Included in H.R. 19 are the following initiatives:
- Capping seniors’ out-of-pocket costs for the year at $3,100 and spreading out the amount a patient owes throughout the year;
- Requiring insurance companies to make drug costs available before a prescription is written so patients know the cost and doctors can provide the best and most affordable option;
- Increasing low-cost options for patients and bringing them to the market faster by stopping “pay for delay” agreements and streamlining the regulation of over-the-counter products; and,
- Creating a new, fair negotiator to advocate for the American consumer in international trade agreements regarding drug prices through the United States Representative.