Internalized Misogyny: Clinton Campaign Blames Women for Loss
In case you missed it, Hillary Clinton is a woman. That fact might have been lost in the campaign, if you were blind, deaf, and dumb.
However, if you were paying attention during the election, you might have noticed that Hillary Clinton ran her campaign on a few pro-woman tenets. Apparently Clinton knew that she in order to break the glass ceiling, she needed to destroy women’s “internalized misogyny.”
Hillary Clinton wanted to smash the “glass ceiling.” Lucky for America, that ceiling was reinforced with rebar, thus we men get to keep women oppressed for at least four more years!
Nonetheless, it may not be men who are keeping women from rising to the top. According to The Daily Caller, women may have let Hillary Clinton down.
“She, among white women, didn’t do any different than essentially Obama in 2012. A point better,” Hayes first noted. “How do you make sense of that.”
“Internalized misogyny is a real thing and it’s something we have to be talking about,” McIntosh answered. “The president said it the best during this whole campaign. We as a society react poorly to women seeking positions of power.”
“We are uncomfortable about that, and then we seek to justify that uncomfortable feeling because it can’t possibly be because we don’t want to see a woman in that position of power.”
“As we figure out exactly what happened with turnout, it seems to be white college educated women,” she continued. “My guess is that breaks down married, unmarried. My guess is that is breaks down older, younger, but we have work to do talking to those women about what happened this year and why, why we would vote against our self-interests.”
I can’t speak for women, but with black Liberals voting against their self-interest is an art-form.
You can bet that colleges and universities are preparing curricula based on this new phenomena. Within a semester you will see offerings to combat “Internalized Misogyny: The Hidden Danger of Women’s War on Women Created by Republican Men.”
Or “Internalized Misogyny: The Duality of Women Caused by Oppressive Republican Men.”